What is responsive branding and why does your business need it?
Everyone talks about how websites need to be responsive, but you don’t often hear how a brand should be responsive as well. For websites, responsiveness simply means that the design will look great on multiple platforms like desktop, mobile and tablet. While this wasn’t common just a few years ago, now it’s the industry norm.
Just like how a website must be responsive to different platforms, so should your brand. Your final brand should include a multitude of logos created strategically to live where you need it like at the top of your website, on business cards, as a social media profile picture, etc. This would include linear and stacked versions as well as smaller icon-like designs more commonly known as brand marks.
Basically you want to look at the dimensions of where your logo will be visible and place the corresponding logo to fit that shape. Website headers are long and narrow so linear versions work best here. Business cards are typically rectangular or square, for this a stacked design is ideal. Social media profile pics are small and detail is often lost so using a brand mark instead of a full logo is best practice.
If you’re interested in reading about branding vs logo design, we wrote a great blog post about it here!