4 ways to know when it’s time to rebrand your business.
4 ways to know when it’s time to rebrand your business.
A great brand effectively communicates what it does and how. It also establishes trust and credibility, something every business needs to succeed.
Because the world and businesses are constantly evolving, many companies look to rebrand, typically when they start seeing the following key identifiers happen over time.
So here’s 4 ways to know when it might be time for a fresh start:
01. You’re attracting the wrong audience
A sure sign it may be time to rebrand your business is when your inbox becomes inundated with the types of clients you don’t want to work with. When this happens, it’s often because you’ve just simply outgrown your brand. Growth is a good thing, but when that happens, you need to make sure your brand is still relevant to your shifting audience’s needs.
02. You’re having a hard time differentiating from your competition
You’re scrolling through your Instagram account and start to notice that all your competitors are slowly starting to look just like...YOU. While mimicking is a clear sign you’re doing something right, it also makes it hard for you to differentiate yourself. Rebranding in a way that clearly sets you apart might be the right move.
03. You’re struggling to raise your prices
Another telltale sign is if you’re having a difficult time raising your prices. Brands ultimately boil down to customer perception and if your value is not being perceived in the way which you feel is matching your current skillset, rebranding could give you the power to redefine that value.
04. You’re embarrassed to give out your business card or website
If handing out your business card or mentioning your website gives you cringe factor, it’s probably time for a rebrand. After all, if you’re not confident in your brand, why should your customers be? A rebrand could be just the retooling you need to bring your business (and confidence) back to life.
If you’re struggling with any of these key identifiers, we’d love to chat! Click HERE to book a complimentary discovery call where we can discuss any roadblocks you’re having with your brand and how we can get you to where you want to be.