The Freelancer's Business Bootcamp.


The Freelancer’s Business Bootcamp.

Get all the tools you need to run a six-figure business from home.


Hey there 👋 My name is Amy and I’ve been the heart and soul of Clover & Crow for almost 8 years now. As you’re probably well aware, running your own business from home doesn’t come without its challenges.

When I first started my business I WISH I had someone (a mentor if you will) to give me advice, share tips and tricks, and help me get a handle on process, organization, and client management. That seriously could have saved me a whole lot of time and grief!

Even though I’m so proud of where Clover & Crow is today, it took time as well as trial and error to get here. Over the past five years, we’ve grown and changed and we’ve reached the point where we’re a well-oiled machine, thanks to all the tools and systems we have in place. Because if we’re being honest here, so much of our workday consists of the actual running of our business, and not actually designing anything, amirite?

Building a six-figure business takes so much more than just being a great designer like having solid contracts in place, marketing to attract clients that don’t question your value, creating a streamlined on-boarding process that keeps you organized and gives your clients that red-carpet experience … all things that happen behind the scenes that are essential to having a profitable freelance business.

Enter The Freelancer's Business Bootcamp! I’ve been a teacher throughout every stage and change in my career over the past 15 years and I’m so excited to combine my love of teaching with my current passion. This online course and workshop takes a deep dive into the day-to-day tips, tricks, tools and systems essential for running a profitable design business from home (yes, you too can make six figures!!) I’ll walk you through ALL the tools we use here at Clover & Crow on a daily basis, share our past mistakes (and how we’ve grown and learned), and give you all the advice I wish I had from the very beginning!

So, who is this course for?

It's great for graphic designers

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been up and running for a while, this course will offer you insight into all the essential tools and processes you need to run your own business. Everything from building a service list to attracting your dream clients with everyone’s favourite social media platform: Instagram!

But it's also great for web developers

Here at Clover & Crow we offer both Graphic and Web Design, so our tools and systems have been tailored for both. I’ll walk you through everything from what you should include in you contracts to managing your clients with a task management program that will seriously change how you do business.

So whether you’re a graphic designer or a web developer, this course is custom-tailored to both industries with 17 chapters of recorded video, downloadable templates and resource links to help you implement all the tools and systems we use here at Clover & Crow!


I’m not exaggerating when I say so much of our time as entrepreneurs is taken up with the actual day-to-day tasks required to run a business. Having the right tools in place will not only save you time, but will help streamline your process so you can be more efficient with the hours you spend in the studio.

The Freelancer's Business Bootcamp is chalk full of all the systems and tools we use here at Clover & Crow, which took us YEARS to figure out on our own. Here’s a breakdown of everything that’s included:

MODULE 01 - Getting Started

First steps you should take to look the part, building a service list and establishing your prices, and managing clients with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program.

MODULE 02 - Contracts, Proposals & Invoices

Writing contracts that protect both you and your clients, how to send proposals that get approved, and invoicing dos and don'ts.

MODULE 03 - On-boarding & Systems

How to build a scheduling system that keeps your workload organized, on-boarding clients with a task management program, and booking consults with a calendar app.

MODULE 04 - Advertising w/ Instagram

Starting a business account, creating an algorithm that gives your feed structure and direction with what to post, creating hashtags that convert, writing captions, utilizing story highlights, and posting tips and tricks.

MODULE 05 - Inquiry Process

The first contact with a potential client and how to respond, how to spot “red-flag clients”, key questions to ask during consultations (includes our own downloadable form!) and some final advice.

MODULE 06 - Advanced

Passive income tools to help you build your online business and make money while you sleep, how to hire contractors and what to include in your contracts, how to raise your prices, navigating NDA’s and more!

↓ PLUS ↓

Downloadable templates to help you implement these new tools as well as an in-depth course workbook, two live Q&A sessions where you can ask me anything, and access to a private Facebook group where we can all come together as a like-minded community.

If you’re interested in learning more, we have some common FAQ’s on our course page as well as more detailed info on how to register. And as always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions! 😉





Why you need to take deposits from clients.